34 Things That Make Me Who I Am
I love how God created each of us with our own personality and yet designed each and every one of us in His image. Since I just celebrated my 34th birthday, I thought it would be fun to post 34 things about myself that make me who I am and that many people may not know about me.
- I love asymmetry…
- …but I can’t stand modern art.
- I’m the only person I know who wouldn’t mind driving a minivan but has never owned one.
- I thought I’d be an artist when I grew up.
- I routinely misuse words. Ask Jon how many times he’s had to correct me from saying defunct when I mean debunked.
- I would much rather be cold than hot.
- Despite the fact that I don’t often sleep well at night, I never drink coffee…
- …unless I occasionally splurge on a Peppermint mocha. That’s the only form of coffee that I genuinely enjoy.
- I have left-footed and right-footed socks and will go out of my way to make sure I never wear them on the wrong feet.
- I strongly dislike the mall and nearly all things shopping-related…
- …but I love Costco.
- I am very picky about writing pens: the smaller the ball point, the better.
- Even though I’m a pianist, I have not yet taught any of my spark plugs to play.
- I feel a lot of internal guilt about point 13…
- …until I remember everything else that I AM teaching them.
- I have high aspirations of correcting point 13 this year.
- I find minimalism and homesteading equally fascinating.
- I like being a brown-eyed blond.
- I like having a brown-eyed-blond spark plug.
- I often feel as though I lead a vanilla existence…
- …which is odd considering that I don’t care for vanilla.
- I don’t consider point 20 to be a bad thing at all. It’s the vanilla that helps the sprinkles shine more brightly.
- I’m trying not to drink soda this year…
- …but I’ve already had 1/2 a glass of Coke. Oops. (For the record, I prefer Pepsi.)
- I wrote my first blog post ever on my 25th birthday…
- …on my now-obsolete MySpace account.
- I don’t remember what I wrote in it.
- “The Boys In the Boat” and “Evidence Not Seen” are two of the best books I’ve ever read.
- If it were up to me, I’d leave my Christmas tree up year-round.
- I sing the tenor part in a Sweet Adelines quartet. The high harmony line suits me. (No, we don’t sing in public yet.)
- Speaking up in public always seems like a good idea until I put my proverbial foot in my mouth. (Happens every.single.time.)
- I hope to teach my spark plugs a foreign language, which will be a big undertaking since I’m not bilingual.
- I get tunnel vision and can’t function in large, noisy crowds. This made for interesting meal times in college, where the brightly-colored carnival-themed decor only added to my overwhelm.
- I’m a terrible cook, so Jon and I have been teaching ourselves better culinary technique thanks to Youtube.
- And one to grow on: someday, I want to keep bees. (No judgment. I know I’m weird. Also, see point 17.)
Your turn: What things make you unique?