Wash His Feet, Day 15: Help Him

Wash His Feet Day 15

Note: Today’s post is part of the Write 31 Days challenge. You can find the introduction and links to the posts in this series right here.

In the King James Version of Genesis 2:18, we read, “And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.” The term “help meet” isn’t widely used today, but the concept (according to Google) is that God created a helper for Adam who was suitable for him.

I’m rather intrigued by the thought that Eve was specially created by God to be Adam’s suitable helper. And that concept got me thinking: am I helping Jon in the way that God designed and intended me to do? Are you helping your husband in the same way?

I’ll be honest. Today’s assignment - to help him - steps right on my toes, and I’m guessing it will probably step on many of yours as well. It’s a simple assignment ripe with possibilities, but its also one that will require putting someone else’s needs above our own at times. I don’t know about you, but I still wrestle daily with selfishness. I’d rather serve myself first, thank-you-very-much!

How do we help our husbands? There will be some areas, like in the workplace, where there’s nothing we can do to help. Jon’s a 3D modeler and technical artist. I’m not even sure what all that entails! There’s no way I can pitch in and help him when he’s under a tight deadline.

There will be other areas, though, we’re our help can make a huge difference! A military wife once told me she was looking forward to her husband’s return from deployment because - this made me smile - she was tired of changing the oil in her car. Jon isn’t in the military, but I honestly can’t remember the last time he did the oil change. It’s just one area where I can take something off of his plate.

(Note that when I say I change the oil, I simply mean I take it in and pay someone to do it for me. Driving a car up on ramps and then crawling under it to physically change it myself are NOT in my skill set!)

I’m not saying that you have to change your car’s oil in order to be a help meet to your husband. But there are probably similar things you can do to help him better manage all that he has to balance.

As an example, I forgot to renew Jon’s personal website, meaning that all the effort he’d put into it, uploading his portfolio and 3D work, was lost. This past week, I’ve been trying to piece it back together for him. I’m not the best at it, and if he had the time, I know he would do a stellar job compared to my feeble attempts. But he simply can’t take on any extra projects at the moment. So even though it’s taking me much longer to do it, I’m giving it my best so that he doesn’t have to add yet another thing to his already-full plate.

There are bound to be similar instances in your own marriage where you can help your husband, too. You might consider a few of these possibilities:

  • Mow the lawn (or cut the grass, however you say it in your neck of the woods)

  • Wash and vacuum out the car

  • Clean the garage (unless he prefers you not to rearrange things in there - some men don’t like their things moved around!)

  • Balancing the checkbook (if you don’t do this already)

There are endless ways we can be a help meet to our husbands. We might need to get creative to figure out how best to help him, but if we pray about it, ask him for his input, and think through it, I know we can all improve in this area!

Share with us in the comments below: how do you best help your husband? What things do you do to help take pressure off of him? I’d love to hear your ideas!

Wash His Feet Day 15