31 Attributes of God, Day 13: He Is Love

31 Attributes of God:  He is Love

Welcome to Day 13 of our 31 Attributes of God series!  If you missed a day, you can find all of our posts right here.  Be sure to grab the accompanying free printable here (no email address required!) and join us for today's study!


Most of us are familiar with today's attribute.  In fact, God's love is probably His most well-known characteristic!  But God's love goes far deeper than a general warm affection toward His creation.  His love is unending, sacrificial, and complete.  

John 3:16 sums up God's love perfectly:  "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life" (NKJV, emphasis added).

God loved us so deeply and fully that He was willing to sacrifice His very own Son so that He could make a way for us to spend Eternity with Him.  That's a pretty powerful love, isn't it?  We know that God is love, but we often forget the depth to which that love moved Him on our behalf.

It's important to remember that we've done nothing to earn this love.  It's His gift to us simply because loving us brings Him pleasure.  We don't deserve it.  We've not merited it.  We could never earn it...ever.  

But He gives us His love freely because He is love.  Maybe that's not the most grammatically-correct way of writing it, but I don't think we'll ever be able to fully grasp the love God has for us, at least not until we reach Heaven.

Today's Assignment:  Write out the words to the hymn, "The Love of God."  Though these are man's words and not straight from the Bible, these beautiful lyrics help our finite minds better understand the extent of God's love for us!

31 Attributes of God:  He is love