3 Of The Best Biblical Antidotes For Anxiety

3 Of The Best Biblical Antidotes For Anxiety

I’ve had a lot of anxiety this week. While the reasons for it are numerous - stress, the return to our school routine after 2 weeks off, and some big looming life decisions - I knew I needed to do something to get back on top of the nervous, panicky feeling that I dislike so much.

Now, I don’t at all pretend to be an authority in overcoming anxiety. It’s something I’ve struggled with all my life, and it is almost always lurking in the back corner of my mind, ready to overwhelm me if given the opportunity.

But this week, I found 3 of the best Biblical antidotes for anxiety, and they helped me so greatly that I knew I needed to share them with you. These aren’t profound. They aren’t jaw-droppingly new. But they are straight from God’s Word, and sometimes, we just need a gentle reminder to tap into the tools that the Lord has already equipped us with.

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31 Attributes of God, Day 26: He Is Sovereign

31 Attributes of God, Day 26:  He Is Sovereign

What do you think about the sovereignty of God?  Until I was 16, my family and I attended a church that talked a lot about man's free will.  But then we began attending a church that focused heavily on God's sovereignty, and it did amazing things for my faith. 

It wasn't that our first church didn't believe in the sovereignty of God, but rather it simply wasn't a focal point (at least, not that I remember, but I was also fairly young when we stopped going there).  At our new church, however, the sovereignty of God permeated everything, and I began to understand more clearly how the Lord was in complete control of all things - how He was able to use even seemingly bad situations for His purposes.

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31 Attributes of God, Day 25: He Is Steadfast

31 Attributes of God, Day 25:  He Is Steadfast

What comes to mind when you hear the word steadfast?  I tend to think of something immovable, something that would remain firm even in the fiercest storm.  And since the online dictionary defines it as "resolute, dutifully firm, or unwavering," I think my concept is pretty much on the mark.

What doesn't come to mind about being steadfast is myself.  There are days when my emotions and feelings are all over the place.  One minute I'm on cloud 9; another minute and can be so frustrated that tears threaten.  And even though comparatively speaking, I may be a little more emotionally stable than some, when I compare myself with God's steadfastness, I'm about as unwavering as liquid jello!  

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31 Attributes of God, Day 23: He Is Pure

31 Attributes of God, Day 23:  He Is Pure

When I look around today, purity seems all but forgotten.  It certainly doesn't appear to be on anyone's achievement list.  In fact, at times it feels like people actually scoff at purity.  But purity is important to the Lord; it's one of His attributes. 

Interestingly, when I began my research into God's purity, most of what came up were posts on His holiness.  And while the two definitely overlap, I tend to think of these as separate attributes.  While holiness indicates a sacredness or a setting apart, purity means something hasn't been mixed or adulterated with anything else.  The two do go hand-in-hand, however, because by setting something apart as sacred, it keeps its purity.

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31 Attributes of God, Day 22: He Is Powerful

31 Attributes of God, Day 22:  He Is Powerful

I love seeing how all of God's attributes dovetail and work together!  Today, we're studying His power, but because we've already looked at His awesomeness, might, and omnipotence, it should come as no surprise that He is also powerful.  

There are many, many verses that testify to the power of God.  I'll list just three:

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31 Attributes of God, Day 21: He Is Personal

31 Attributes of God, Day 21:  He Is Personal

We've talked about quite a few of God's attributes that demonstrate His magnificence - His awesomeness, His infiniteness, and His omniscience, to name a few.  Each of these attributes speak to His grandeur, power, and sovereignty.  They give us a sense of His largeness, if I can call it that.

But today, I want to talk about how, despite the fact that God can hold the entire world in His hands and that He orchestrates the workings of all creation, He is also a personal, intimate God.  He cares as much about each individual as He does the whole of the universe.  

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31 Attributes of God, Day 20: He Is Perfect

31 Attributes of God, Day 20:  He Is Perfect

I don't know about you, but "perfect" would NOT be a word I'd use to describe myself.  From my shortcomings to my inconsistencies, I'm anything but perfect!

And that's why I'm so excited about today's post.  I may not be perfect, but my Heavenly Father is.  In fact, He does everything so perfectly that He can fill in and compensate for my imperfections.  There is so much comfort in knowing that He is perfect and that He is perfectly orchestrating and directing my life!

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31 Attributes of God, Day 19: He Is Peaceful

31 Attributes of God, Day 19:  He Is Peaceful

In our world today, there doesn't seem to be much peace, does there?  Whether it's countries on the verge of war with one another or family members who are at odds, much of what we experience in our lives is anything but peaceful.

How wonderful to know, then, that one of God's attributes is peace!  In fact, He delights in peace.  In the Old Testament, we see lots of instruction about peace offerings, and in the New Testament, Jesus offers His peace to the believers (see John 14:27).  In a world full of chaos and upheaval, it's incredibly comforting to know that God is peaceful!

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31 Attributes of God, Day 18: He Is Omniscient

31 Attributes of God, Day 18:  He Is Omniscient

Do you know what omniscient means?  Although I'd learned the definition as a child, I had to remind myself again (by Googling it) that God's omniscience means that He is all-knowing.  Since He is also all-powerful, it makes sense that He is all-knowing as well.  

Why does it matter whether or not God is all-knowing?  The Bible promises us in Romans 8:28 that God works all things together for the good of those who believe in Him.  In order for Him to keep this promise, He must be very aware of everything at all times.  So, it matters a lot!  Without His omniscience, He would not be God.

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31 Attributes of God, Day 17: He Is Omnipresent

31 Attributes of God, Day 17:  He Is Omnipresent

Yesterday, we talked about God's omnipotence - His unlimited power.  Today, let's look at His Omnipresence - His ability to be everywhere at once.  

You and I each live in our own, confined bodies.  We can't ever be in two places at once (unless you straddle a state line, I guess), much less be everywhere at all times!  But God can.  He doesn't have the same limitations and restrictions that we have.  He isn't confined by time, space, or location.  

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31 Attributes of God, Day 16: He Is Omnipotent

31 Attributes of God, Day 16:  He Is Omnipotent

Of all the attributes of God (which I now know are too many to easily list!), the three I remember from childhood are His Omnipotence, His Omnipresence, and His Omniscience (spoiler alert - we'll be discussing these over the next three days).  And while I remember the attributes themselves, I'm still fuzzy on their individual meanings.  

So I headed over to the online dictionary, one of my favorite Bible study tools, and typed in Omnipotence.  I love how that word is defined:  unlimited power; able to do anything.  Don't those phrases adequately describe our Heavenly Father?  

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31 Attributes of God, Day 15: He Is Mighty

31 Attributes of God, Day 15:  He Is Mighty

"The Lord your God in your midst, the Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing" (NKJV, emphasis added).  

I absolutely love this verse, found in Zephaniah 3:17.  I've heard adults say something along the lines of God not being able to save them because they're just too sinful.  But the Bible reminds us here and elsewhere that God is mighty to save; nothing is too difficult for Him, and no person is so sinful that He is unable to rescue.

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31 Attributes of God, Day 13: He Is Love

31 Attributes of God, Day 13:  He Is Love

Most of us are familiar with today's attribute.  In fact, God's love is probably His most well-known characteristic!  But God's love goes far deeper than a general warm affection toward His creation.  His love is unending, sacrificial, and complete.  

John 3:16 sums up God's love perfectly:  "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life" (NKJV, emphasis added).

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31 Attributes of God, Day 12: He Is Longsuffering

31 Attributes of God, Day 12:  He Is Longsuffering

I am so excited about today's attribute:  God's longsuffering.  Longsuffering isn't a word a lot of people are familiar with anymore (in fact, as I'm typing this, my computer is telling me that I'm misspelling it because it's not in my computer's database).  Longsuffering can be translated as having patience throughout a lengthy trial, according to the online dictionary.

The longsuffering of the Lord has long intrigued me, probably because longsuffering is something that doesn't come naturally to me.  And I'm quite certain I'm not alone in that; longsuffering, or patience, is an area where many people struggle.  

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31 Attributes of God, Day 11: He Is Just

31 Attributes of God, Day 11:  He Is Just

I absolutely love the way God's many attributes dovetail and compliment one another in a beautiful kaleidoscope that reveals Himself to us in such a neat and detailed way! 

Yesterday, we looked at God's jealousy, an attribute that may rub us wrong on the surface.  But God can be righteously jealous because He is also just.  The online dictionary describes just as "behaving according to what is morally right and fair."  If we trust that God is morally right and fair - and we do - then we can rest assured that His jealousy is just.

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31 Attributes of God, Day 9: He Is Infinite

31 Attributes of God, Day 9:  He Is Infinite

When I was little, I didn't fully grasp the concept of infinity.  (Actually, I probably still don't!)  As I learned more about math and numbers, I gained greater clarity on the topic because I could see how someone could keep on counting forever and never reach an end.

In fact, math is an excellent way for our finite minds to get a small taste of how God can be infinite.  But numbers are infinite because the God who made them is infinite; that's why the creation helps us better understand the Creator.

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31 Attributes of God, Day 8: He Is Holy

31 Attributes of God, Day 8:  He Is Holy

How often do you think of God's holiness?  And how often do you live as though you serve a Holy God?  Although I try to remember God's holiness, I must admit that I don't always live my life as though God is holy.  I'm not diligent to root out my sin; somehow, some sins seem to be excusable and I don't ruthlessly fight to live a holy life the way I should.

But God's holiness should compel us to strive, with His help, to live a blameless life.

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31 Attributes of God, Day 6: He Is Gentle

31 Attributes of God, Day 6:  He Is Gentle

How often do you think about God being gentle?  While I frequently think about His greatness, His power, and His sovereignty, I usually forget that He is also gentle.  But this is a very important attribute to study because it balances His strength and might.

Let's see what Scripture has to say about God's gentleness:

  • 2 Samuel 22:36 - " You have also given me the shield of Your salvation; Your gentleness has made me great" (NKJV).
  • Matthew 11:29 - " Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls" (NKJV).
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31 Attributes of God, Day 4: He Is Everlasting

31 Attributes of God, Day 4:  He Is Everlasting

I've always found it fascinating that other world religions put their faith in dead people.  Muhammad is gone; Gandhi has passed away; Joseph Smith has died.  But Christianity is so vastly different.  We place our trust in the living, Eternal God, who was and is and is to come, who has no beginning and no end, who will never die.  Yes, Jesus Christ was crucified and died, but He rose again!!  

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31 Attributes of God, Day 2: He Is Compassionate

31 Attributes of God, Day 2:  He Is Compassionate

If there's something that doesn't come naturally to me, it's compassion.  Does that surprise you?  While I love being a cheerleader and encourager, when I see someone sick or injured, my first (very STRONG) inclination is to run as far in the opposite direction as possible.

Maybe it's my aversion to blood.  Maybe it's my phobia of all things vomit-related.  I don't know what triggers it, but you know I'm not the compassionate one in our family when a sick child comes to our bedroom door at night and asks for Daddy, not Mommy!  (I know, I know, that's very pathetic, but it's also very true.)

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