31 Attributes of God, Day 30: He Is Wise

31 Attributes of God:  He is wise

Welcome to Day 30 of our 31 Attributes of God series!  If you missed any of our previous posts, you can find them right here.  Be sure to grab the accompanying free printable here (no email address required!) and join us for today's study!


Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you felt completely over your head and wished you had the wisdom to handle it better?  This routinely happens to me.  Although I might know how not to handle it, I never can quite figure out the best approach.  And it drives me crazy.  I long to have the understanding and mental clarity needed to determine the root issue, but most of the time, I just don't have enough wisdom.

Thankfully, I don't always need to know exactly what to do or have the perfect words to say, because while I lack that kind of wisdom, the Lord doesn't.  He fully understands each and every situation we encounter in life and knows how to perfectly handle everything.

In short, He is wise. 

In fact, the Bible tells us that He alone is wise in Romans 16:27 (NKJV, emphasis added): 

"...to God, alone wise, be glory through Jesus Christ forever..." 

The wisest person on Earth can't compare to the depth of wisdom that God has.  Solomon, whom the Bible tells us was the wisest man who ever lived, received his wisdom from the Lord and couldn't compete with the vast, all-knowing wisdom of God.  And all of our collective human knowledge and wisdom still can't compare to His understanding.

I look forward to Heaven, where we will have far greater understanding of who God is, but even then, I don't know that we will fully grasp the level of wisdom that He has.  Romans 11:33 reads, "Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and His ways past finding out!" (NKJV).

I am so thankful that He is God and that He is wise!

Today's Assignment:  How can you give God glory for His wisdom?  Come up with some creative ways to do this (pray and thank Him, keep a journal of all the ways He reveals His wisdom, jot down a list of Bible verses that speak about His being wise, etc.).  We can't give God enough praise for the fact that He is wise!

31 Attributes of God:  He is wise